Vedran Bukovina

Renomirani hrvatski umjetnik koji izlaže diljem svijeta, dobitnik prestižnih nagrada i uvršten u knjige slavnih suvremenih umjetnika.



+385 98 425 638

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Izjava umjetnika

Vedran Bukovina, master of visual arts:
“Life is a collection of moments. As an artist, when I create, I enter a state of consciousness in which time and place cease to exist. There is only infinity and perfect peace. Art is my life, and life is beautiful!”


Vedran Bukovina was born on June 6, 1979 in Zagreb, Croatia. He has a master’s degree in visual
arts (Arthouse College of Visual Arts). He graduated in pedagogic-psychological
-didactic-methodical sciences at the Faculty of Philosophy. He graduated in Business and
Financial Economics. Obtained art therapy certificate, Therapeutic Art Life Coach from San Francisco. In 2024, he was awarded an honorary doctorate (American  Board in Egypt) for  his achievements in promoting culture and love in society.
He exhibited at over 200 individual and collective juried exhibitions in the country and abroad ( Zagreb, Milan, Padua, Monaco, Paris, Longarone, Doha, London, Athens, Dubai, New York, Los Angeles, Venice, Florence, Cairo, Amsterdam, Rome, Viana de Castelo).

He has been appointed as the brand ambassador of QIAF (Qatar International Art Festival) 2024. art festival) in 2024. He has won numerous awards and accolades, including the Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Phoenix and Velazquez & Goya awards, and was featured in the “Best Contemporary Masters” 2024.” He was included in the 2023 World Famous Contemporary Artists book. and 2024. In addition, he participated in various humanitarian art colonies, and his works are in numerous collections in the country and abroad.

